Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Have you Bean Farming?

Summer is the time where your kids are heading off to various sleepovers, summer camps and sporting games. You're still working the mundane 8 to 5 shift and are struggling for some extra energy. This is the time to be adventurous with your coffee and to come check out our family friendly activities! Try our iced coffee mixes or our refreshing teas. All of our products are ethically harvested from our contracted, Fair Trade Act farmers from all over the world.

Your kids will enjoy some family, friendly activities from April 29 to May 29 that portray the life of a coffee bean farmer. They'll even go home with a coffee bean plant and the knowledge to care for it! So, treat yourself to a delicious iced coffee and a mini day camp for the kids, all while learning the value of the ethical Fair Trade act. Sit back, relax and have some fun!

Recently, we have gone through several internal investigations about our purchasing methods. Ayden Jones, Spokesperson for ETS said, “At the Ethical Coffee Shop we want to improve the lives of our consumers, farmers and the economy by creating jobs through the Fair Trade Act. Our main goal is to help farmers from all over the globe out of poverty by creating long term sustainability.”

Want more information of the origination of our coffee? Check out where they are harvested from and take a look at the inside story of our farmers please visit our Farmer Stories page. Want an inside scoop? Check out our Facebook and Twitter pages!


The Ethical Coffee Shop 

*This is a class assignment, none of the events, places or situations are real*